Thursday, September 27, 2007


To my immense relief, the doctors came up with a good pain management system for Paige. That, combined with a break from chemo (her last day for a few weeks was last Friday) has made a huge difference in how she is feeling. Today was the most active and Paigelike Paige has been for weeks!

Make-A-Wish came this morning to talk with us and Paige to get an idea of what she would like for her "wish". We finally agreed on Disneyworld. So we are leaving on Monday! We'll be gone for a week, and Casey, our "nanny" will be going with us.

Other news of note: our wonderful friends at Shiloh Chapel in Maine are sending a large crew down on Saturday to paint, lay hardwood in our living room, and do other misc. projects. Their generosity has been amazing, and I'm looking forward to spending time them on Saturday. Luke will love watching the process and hanging out with builders. He is really into construction and loves to figure out how things work and go together.

When Ben was sent back home from Iraq, the Army sent another soldier to take his place in the field hospital. Unfortunately, it was someone who really did not want to be deployed. (Some guys actually volunteered to go; this guy was not one of them) And he has kids. Anyway, they arrive home from their year in Iraq on Monday, and I want to honor that soldier and his family somehow. I'll be thinking over the next couple days of how I can let them know that I appreciate what he did, and what their family had to give up so that Ben could be home with us.

I bought Paige her own sparkly nail polish and lip gloss the other day. She puts the nail polish in her pocket, and carries it around with her. And she put the polish on her toes all by herself!

I was doing some research the other day, and discovered that decitabine, the chemo she's on, can take up to 3 months to start working. I was not happy to learn this. So please pray that God will speed it up, and make it start working right away! And the oncologists have warned us that they don't even know if this drug will work at all.

God is a scientist, and he knows how to make the cancer cells stop dividing, and the good cells to do their job.


Anonymous said...

still praying!!!!
Post fam

Anonymous said...

still hoping that she'll get better u guys r in my prayers