Sunday, September 2, 2007

Paige's poor tummy

Paige has been bedridden for days, and today was so sedentary she only moved her head. Her constipation has been cleared up, but now her tummy is still full of air, and is causing her a lot of pain. She has a tube down her nose to help suck out the excess tummy air, but it doesn't seem to be doing much good. She is on two painkillers and one sedative, and isn't eating.

I am not ok with this. And we have to sit around doing nothing until Tuesday, when MRI opens, so we can see if this is being caused by cancer on her spine causing nerve pressure to affect her digestion, etc.

So please pray. I would like her to get relief right away.

We still plan to go to the lake house, once Paige is feeling well.


Booker said...

I really hope you all can get away to the lakehouse soon too...

lis said...

Me too! Praying...