Saturday, March 31, 2007


Paige went on a green marker rampage today at Grandpa H's house. It's on her legs, feet, hands, and face. She was suppossed to go to the hospital Friday to begin chemo, but her ANC dropped back down to around 100. So we're waiting at home until it goes up again. She keeps complaining of her "Ow, tummy." We're not sure if the pain is from all the antibiotics or the chemo.

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Paige came home yesterday! Her counts zipped up to over 600, so Laura B. who had been in the hospital with her for two days delivered her to us. It was my dad's birthday, so Mom, Dad Paige and I went out to dinner together. Paige was great, and had fun dipping her bread into marinara sauce like the big people. She melted down at the end, and we had to wisk her away from the other patrons, but overall, she was great.

Luke is very sick with a cough and runny nose, so he and Ben are over at Ben's dad's house till the kids can be together again.

Something for prayer: I have been looking into alternative treatments to complement Paige's chemo, and have run things by my naturopath (sp?) and the oncologists. But I have been doing some online research, and I'm interested in looking at the nutritional component. Please pray that God will help me find just the right thing for Paige, and that He'll help me feel at peace, and not like Paige's health is in my hands. (Which it's not, but it could feel that way if we end up doing a labor intensive diet, like gluten-free.) God is a smart guy, and I know that he can direct me, and keep me peaceful, so please pray for us, and pray that the oncologists will be open-minded to untraditional nutrition ideas. Anything is better than the dreadful hospital food, which consists of lots of white bread and fried food!

Monday, March 19, 2007


Paige's white blood cell counts are taking their time recovering, so it looks like she might still be in the hospital for her birthday celebration (Sunday - her actual birthday is Monday) :( We had a big shin-dig planned and Keith and Ethan are scheduled to be here then. Mom was up at the hospital today, and said that Paige seems to be feeling fine. Her latest thing is to say "Oh my goodness" or, even more adorable, "Goodness goodness goodness." She also has a thing for the song "Jesus wants you for a sunbeam." It's funny, because at that age, Luke was always having us sing that song to him too. Sometimes she cuddles her doll, and sings "Sunbeam" to her. And other times she picks her up and whacks her head on the metal bars of the crib.

Friday, March 9, 2007


Paige has been home for awhile, but went back to Dartmouth tonight with Ben due to a fever. Her immune system (as is normal after each round of chemo) is very weak, so it's not surprising that she seems to have caught something. She would have gone up tomorrow morning to get blood and platelets.

She has a funny new habit of calling Luke "brother." Though they still fight alot, they also have fun together. Tonight they were deeply absorbed, sitting side by side in a chair watching Finding Nemo. And earlier (of course while I was on the phone) they were nearly frenzied, jumping on the couch, hollaring and laughing and wrestling. They seem united in the phone conspiracy.

Her next, and last scheduled, round of chemo is right after her birthday (which is March 26). It is so bizarre to think that this may be it, that after the last round we may be done with chemo (and possibly cancer) forever. I'm almost worried to let myself hope.

I am so blessed with my little family. Thank you all for praying for us.