Monday, September 10, 2007

Feeling Better!

(on safari in Maine this summer)

Paige has had a great 24 hours. She has gone on lots of walks, had two baths, and has been downright giggly. They discontinued the morphine this morning. We have decided to go with a drug called decitabine, which is usually used in elderly AML patients, but heck, we were about out of options.

And she might get to go home tomorrow! She would have to come back once a day for 4 more days, then she would have a couple days off, and then come back for 5 more days of outpatient chemo.


lis said...

Oh, thank God!

(Cute picture, by the way)

Becky said...

PTL! Elizabeth (Tasha's little girl...born just a few days before Paige) enjoyed looking at all your pix's last night and we watched the video a few times. She is adding Paige to her "prayer list". I'm hoping we get a chance to have them meet soon. Big hugs to you and your family. Love, Beckybean

Jude said...

Hi all: Left Lebanon on Sun. evening and was so happy tonight to read that Paigey is feeling must be so relieved. It certainly made my day. So hoping you'll get to go home tomorrow, give her my love...jude

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear things are going better with Miss Paigey Pants! I miss her so much! Must be such a releif that now you can get home and enjoy time as a family! Would love to catch up sometime! Grandma has all my info! All my love and hugs for all of you!

Booker said...

Luke has a cool hat :-)

Anonymous said...

Kerri you are an unbelievable woman. Your strength as a mom and to live each day for yourself, your husband and your two beautiful children. We may never understand why the "powers from above" work in the way that they do but I honestly believe that everything good, bad or indifferent happen for a reason. We may question all now but in the great scheme of things somebody has a plan.
My thoughts and prayers are with you, Ben, Luke and of course little Paige.

-Somebody who knows you and cares

Unknown said...

Kerri, Paige continues to be in my prayers. I am praying for the family too. You are amazing. Praise God for the strength He has given you. I would love to send a little care package for Paige. What are her favorite things? Is there anything she would love? Maybe she is getting plenty. No worries if you don't have time to respond. May God continue to strengthen you and give you peace and hope. Love, Heidi Dukelow (