Thursday, February 22, 2007

Hooray more!

I want to hear this from the Dr.'s lips myself, but the second-hand version says that the biopsy shows "no AML cells." (Later it was up to 5%, still an acceptable level.) So it looks like the chemotherapy is working. I am drained by the ups and downs, but SO THANKFUL.

Thank you again for praying. It seems God is spreading out the answers for us in more than one area of our lives, and it's almost beyond belief. :)

Monday, February 19, 2007


On this rollercoaster, more information keeps coming in, but I don't know how to label it yet, as the doctor's don't even know what's up. Yesterday Paige's blasts were down to 3%, today they are up to 10%, but Dr. C. says not to worry, since they don't yet know if it's cancer, or just Paige's unique recovery pattern from each round of chemo. So that has lightened the load, knowing that there is hope that the cells they are seeing aren't cancer. So we wait. Paige might come home tomorrow, if her fever stays down. Thank you all for supporting us during this crazy journey!

Thursday, February 15, 2007


Dr. K told me today that Paige's blasts (evil cancer cells in her body) are up to 14%. That is bad. It should be under 5%. So they are wondering if maybe the treatment she's getting isn't working. She'll have a biopsy tomorrow, and maybe one next week, to see what's actually going on. So please pray for her, and for me, as this is pretty rough for me to process. Transplant may be on our horizon after all.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Tuesday pm

This evening Paige got a fever, so Ben just left with her to go up to Dartmouth. Yesterday her infection fighting cell level was zero (they like it to be up to at least 500 right after chemo, before they let her go home) so please pray that she'll be healed of whatever she's fighting that gave her the fever, or that the antibiotics they give her will take care of it. Wow. My grammar is dreadful tonight. Anyway, I'm kind of worried, but Ben thinks it'll all be ok, so that makes me feel somewhat better.

Soon before they left, Paige was playing "Bookadee" (peekaboo) with Grandpa H. It was pretty cute.

Friday, February 9, 2007


(The above is what Paige says for thank you. I believe it means "you're welcome.")

Paige has been home for days now, and her poor head and face are covered with small bruises. She runs around alot, and clunks her head alot. She and Luke get along 20% of the time, and squabble the rest of the time. He is having a real hard time with her being home after the 3 weeks of being apart. And I think he's feeling jealous of all the attention she gets.

In the happier moments...the other day Luke was trying to teach Paige her ABC's. He sat on a stool in the kitchen, and waved his arms around while singing the alphabet song. Paige joined in with the letter "P" at the end of every stanza. And last week I heard him ask her, "Paige, do you want to marry me?"

She hasn't had a fever yet this round, and she goes back for more chemo in about a week and a half. Only two more rounds to go!