Monday, December 3, 2007

December morning

To everyone who sent us cards, or who contributed to Samaritan's Purse, thank you. And to everyone who prays for us, a huge thank you. Someone wrote to me that every night they and their three year old pray for our family, and it made me cry.

Overall, we are plodding along, our grief an ember that gets fanned, as we see things that remind us of Paige, or find ourselves in a situation that she would enjoy - like today's snowstorm. She was a big fan of throwing snowballs at Grandpa M, and I know that she would want to be outside today.

The service was beautiful, and seeing those who came for us and for Paige was a pretty amazing experience.

When I feel really sad, I remind myself that if I just wait around long enough, I'll see her again. 60 more years, based on my family's blasted genes, and I wonder things like, Did she arrive in heaven a 2 1/2 year old? Will she be little when I see her, or will she be a grown-up? I'm banking on the former. I think her days in heaven are filled with playing, and with welcoming new babies and children, and helping them feel loved and at home. There's no one better for the job.


Anonymous said...

The prayers and thoughts are constant for you and your family. We love you all.

Jennifer & Benjamin

PS... We had a day of pre-transplant appointments today...and Benjamin through some snow around and said it was from the angels in heaven. I said from any particular angel... he said PAIGEY! (yes I cried)!

Nate Hazen said...

We think of you all often and you are in our prayers.
Much love Always,
Nate, Amy and Natalie

Karen said...

We only learned of your beautiful little Paige shortly before she passed away, but have been just amazed by your faith and by the strength your little girl showed. Thank you for sharing your life and faith with others through this blog, and for blessing others even in Paige's death. We will continue to pray for your family.

kat said...

We are continuing to pray for you and your family. WE love you guys and think about you quite often.

JJ said...

Thank you for sharing once again! You are not forgotten, in thoughts or in prayers.

Anonymous said...

Walking on the other side
The place we all want to be
But don't want to go
Finding purple kitties
Cuddles with Gramma H
Devious laughs from making mischief
Poor unsuspecting souls
Arms full
So many trinkets and treasures to
New adventures everyday
Able to run, dance and play
No pain
No tubes
No restrictions
Holes left in many lives
Touched in such a short time
Missing those laughs
The giggles
And the spirit that lived life to
the fullest
Waiting to once again
Cuddle with
Get hugs and kisses
And possibly if you're feeling
A treat from your candy bowl
Or maybe just an emphatic no

Anonymous said...

Kerri I Love the women you are. Once again thank you for sharing your journey with us it is truely an honor. We pray for you Ben and Luke every night.
Much love and many hugs
ps I still cheek the blog every night

Anonymous said...

oops it is not cheek but check

Anonymous said...

carmen1998Thank you for the update... I have been praying and wondering how you are doing. You have had such a profound impact on those around you with your faith and strength. Please know that you are loved by staggering numbers... Cindy Butler

kw said...

Kerri, you guys are in my thoughts and prayers still, especially this time of year. It was really great to read your update here.

The Boisverts said...

Still thinking of you, praying for you and being amazed by such a strong woman of God.