Friday, December 22, 2006

Today's surgery

We got up at 3:50 this morning to take Paige up to Dartmouth to have the picc line taken out of her arm. They replaced it with a Broviac, which is a semi-permanent IV line that goes in through her chest, and using ultrasound, the doctors thread it up through a vein near her heart. Because of this, the doctors don't have to jab her every time they want to draw blood (a daily occurance when she is living at the hospital to do chemo.) She recovered splendidly, and by lunchtime we were home, and Paige was playing, walking around, and eating blueberries.

In order for her to stay with us for Christmas, she has to maintain a temperature below 100.5, which she's been doing so far, so pray that she won't get a fever!


Aunt Jan said...

Greetings from Nevada!! Happy holidays to everyone: Ben, Kerri, Luke and Paige. So glad to be able to get daily updates on little Paige. You all continue to be in our prayers daily. We will talk to you on Christmas. Love to all,
Aunt Jan

Ronda said...

Paige without her curls looks a lot like our cousin Sonya when she was little. Are you going to be able to keep Francesca after Boston? Can't wait to see you guys tomorrow!

Ronda said...
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pennyjean said...

I'm so glad you have a blog, Kerri. What a great way to keep us updated on Paige. We have been praying for her and you and Ben.
Love you!

Linds said...

So glad that she's home! Love to you all, Aunt Lulu

Linds said...
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Becky said...

I'm sitting here, shedding mother tears for little Paige and her family. Your mom (Kerri) gave me your blog address and since I left out an important dot or two, I was left to explore for awhile and finally came in via a link from her aunt's site. It was good to see little Paige at the woman's retreat. I was surprised to see her looking so healthy! It's amazing to see her in high spirits and being such an overcomer...what a great example she is to the rest of us (who think we have it tough!) I will continue to hold her and ALL of you up in prayer. We have an awesome God who truly does care and He has a wonderful plan for each of us. God bless all of you who are at the front of the battle for Paige. (How thankful you must be for your extended families!)
By the way, when I googled Paige's name, I came across another little girl from Canada who's also battling leukemia...with the same name and about the same age! wow!
I'm joining the rest of you in faith for VICTORY!
love and hugs to you each, Beckybean