Wednesday, June 6, 2007

June 6th

We just dropped Paige off in what's called Pain-Free, the room where they are doing her biopsy. They put her to sleep with a mask, then gave her an IV, so she didn't have to get poked when she was awake. We won't find out the results for a day or two.

She has developed a lazy eye of sorts, so they are going to do a lumbar puncture (biopsy of spinal column fluid, which also circulates up to the brain, and is totally seperate from her other ah, I don't know how to explain this. But you can have stuff going on in your brain/spinal column, and a biopsy of her marrow wouldn't show it. So they are testing both to make sure they catch anything cancerous going on.)

She weighs 28 lbs, which is 8 lbs more than when she was so sick and gaunt. She was so cooperative and cheerful today, holding out her arm to be blood-pressured, and opening her mouth so the doc could look in with a light. And she bounced/danced/walked down the hallways.

In the car on the way here, we were all pretending to be dinosaurs, and Paige said, "I'm a baby dinasaur." in a growl-y voice. It was quite adorable.

So I don't know what the biopsy will show. Thank you all for praying, and for loving us. Your support has been so helpful. kerri


Booker said...

Glad to hear that she is doing ok :-) Will be praying for the results...

lis said...

Still praying...still loving you! Thanks so much for the update.

Linds said...

Aunt LuLu sends love to the baby dinosaur... and her family :)