Monday, February 19, 2007


On this rollercoaster, more information keeps coming in, but I don't know how to label it yet, as the doctor's don't even know what's up. Yesterday Paige's blasts were down to 3%, today they are up to 10%, but Dr. C. says not to worry, since they don't yet know if it's cancer, or just Paige's unique recovery pattern from each round of chemo. So that has lightened the load, knowing that there is hope that the cells they are seeing aren't cancer. So we wait. Paige might come home tomorrow, if her fever stays down. Thank you all for supporting us during this crazy journey!


Anonymous said...

As the Master Physician...He knows what is going on and how Paige heals. Just continue to pray and be steadfast. We love you all!

Booker said...

well, that is better than what I heard at church. Still praying!

lis said...

Wouldn't have it any other way (sticking with you, I mean)!
